13/07/2022Grujo is one of those charming seniors who are looking for company to enjoy life together.
Grujo has just recently celebrated his 12th birthday and only a few grey hairs will give you a hint of his age. For a grandpa who is suffering from leishmaniosis, Grujo is full of life. His leishmaniosis is under control because it is being regularly treated and his last blood test results show that only his cholesterol is a bit high.
This should come as no surprise because our Mr. G. is fond of food and didn’t have enough chance to move so last time he was weighed, he was placed in the super.heave category: no less than 49 kg!
His regime now includes additional walks and special food so we can proudly say that our Grujo is making great progress. Because of all the extra daily steps, he is much more mobile and certainly lighter. Grujo is a tidy dog who doesn’t ask for much. For the last seven years he has been in the same cage, in the front part of the shelter. He spends his days sleeping and what makes him happiest are easy walks and tasty treats. Grujo needs easy walks and light food to get his weight under control.
Even though he has already hit a certain age, Grujo deserves to experience the beauty of winter spent in the warmth of a home, the beauty of easy walks and the safety of his forever home.