Sony 1
14/07/2022O dear boy Štaki, you are about four years old, aren’t you?
You should be in your prime now – easting bowls full of food, catching Frisbees, sniffing out the territory in your neighbourhood and tucking into your human’s bed at night, just underneath their legs – because they don’t mind.
But no, you were dealt a different set of cards, bad ones unfortunately. You keep hiding in your kennel because of sickness. Your skin has ruptured and it must hurt so bad. And you keep looking at us from your kennel, ill with leishmaniosis, and you keep asking yourself: “Are these the people who are going to help me?”
And we want to, we truly do. Štaki needs a home because ne heeds a safe place where he will recover and be pampered. He needs a human who is willing to look underneath the surface and who will see a beautiful dog, not just a dog who is ill.
We know that Štaki’s set of cards must have an ace – we just hope that the ace will get here as soon as possible and help Štaki stop hiding in his kennel. Because the only thing that can help him is love.